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Psigma (K)Test, a comprehensive assessment model for all roles in the organization

Evaluations designed for all positions in your organization, diagnosing Natural Talent and identifying Counterproductive Work Behaviors (CWBs) in your candidates.

Evaluate Critical Factors for Each Position

Psigma (K)Test, a single assessment model with 52 different profiles. Select and apply the specific profile for the position you want to evaluate; our integral assessment model will identify the potential of the individual being evaluated for that role:


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Established based on different types of competencies associated with each role according to their criticality for the expected outcome.


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Natural behavioral traits that facilitate job performance.

Emotional Intelligence

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A set of skills to identify, understand, reason, and regulate one's own emotions and interact with others effectively.

Counterproductive Work Behaviors

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Characteristics of people's behavior are not easy to detect and tend to manifest themselves in high-pressure situations, potentially hindering their natural talent.

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Form to request additional information, not for candidates or for scheduling assessments

How to Apply Psigma (K)Test?

Years of research enable us to understand critical aspects of any role to be evaluated:

  • Integrated assessments to identify Natural Talent
  • 52 Available Profiles
  • Integration of key and precise information for decision-making
  • Identification of potential and key areas for development
Roles Levels Matrix
Evaluation Factors Matrix

Natural Talent Model

Whether a person will have high potential for superior performance, or if their CWBs will affect their potential, largely depends on the balance of this model.

Certain behaviors can emerge during conflict or tension, revealing complexities that are often poorly managed. This can become problematic in human interactions. Talent is essential but not sufficient for high performance.

Relationship of talent, emotional Intelligence and Risks

Evaluations that predict high performance, reduce turnover, and enhance leadership

Psigma Methodology with Natural Talent and Underlying Risks

DISC Behavioral Style

The DISC assessment involves understanding each person through the combination of four Behavioral Styles. Based on these styles, it is possible to understand a person’s everyday behavior in different environments:



Refers to a person's determination and results orientation.



The ability to connect with others and persuade effectively.



The level of calmness and patience a person exhibits in their behavior.



The tendency to follow rules and procedures and be meticulous in work.

Conductas Problematicas Colaborador - Counterproductive Work Behaviors

Counterproductive Work Behaviors

Natural Talent Derailers

Counterproductive Work Behaviors are negative traits in people’s behavior that are not easily detectable; they manifest themselves in high-pressure or stressful situations. They might also appear in certain contexts as a coping mechanism that the individual has developed to handle particular challenges.

Why Use Psigma (K)Test?

The model evaluates:

  • Competencies
  • DISC
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Counterproductive Work Behaviors
  • Evaluations cover all positions
  • A different profile for each role
  • Easy integration with ATS and HRIS
  • Improves efficiency and accuracy in the selection process